Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy (who's not always so happy)

I felt so sorry for Happy throughout the entirety of the play. He is constantly shoved into the background behind Biff not only in high school, but also when they are grown men. In high school, Biff was the star athlete, and Happy was just the younger brother who got to carry his gear. Biff was always in the limelight and his father's sight, where Happy had to constantly draw awareness to himself so his father would notice him. When the boys grew up, Willy was still concerned with Biff. Ever since Biff found out that Willy had been cheating on his mom, Willy had been trying to get his forgiveness and make up with his son. He wanted Biff to be successful, rich, and have a better life than he did. He wanted that life for Happy too, but he never expressed those feelings. At one point in the play, Happy announces that he's getting married, and no one even says congratulations or acknowledges it. Happy was always just Biff's younger brother.

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