Thursday, September 9, 2010

"I fealt a Funeral, in my Brain"

Although poems can be interpreted in numerous ways, I decided that this poem was not about an actual funeral, but an internal conflict. The central purpose was to get over all the conflicts in this person's life and let go. In line 3, the author writes "kept treading-treading..." This line reminds me of a short speech in the movie "The Replacements." In this football movie, the coach asks the players what they are afraid of. At first, they throw out things like spiders and bugs, but that was not what the coach was really talking about. The quarterback says "Quicksand" and the rest of the players take it literally and agree, but there was a deeper meaning behind it. He compared quicksand to a situation in a game where everything seems to be going great until one wrong mistake. Then another happens, and another. You keep fighting back but the more you fight, the farther you sink until you are completely stuck. "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain" seems to be parallel to that story, except in a mental way. The person keeps thinking about their problems until "I thought my Mind was going numb" (6-7). Finally, you just have to stop fighting ("and then a Plank of Reason, broke") and you eventually get out.

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