Thursday, September 30, 2010

A New Look

Instead of reflecting on one poem specifically, I think I am going to do a reflection over the poetry unit as a whole up to this point. I feel like this unit is very insightful and helps me to think more than I did before. The poems provide great practice for literary analysis, for example trying to understand the significance of "The Oxen" by Thomas Hardy. I am opening my eyes to new techniques to fully come to understand the meanings of works.

I think the group discussions are great. Today, for example, I felt completely lost about "The Apparition" by John Donne. I understood that the speaker of the poem felt depressed about the woman who wasn't returning his feelings, but with all of the "thy's" and "thou thinkst," it was hard to understand. In my small group, we discussed the poem and received other's thoughts. After that, I had a better understanding. The large group discussions also benefit me in the same way and I am very glad we have them.

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