Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Old Sport

"You know, old sport, I've never used that pool all summer?" "Do, old sport." (pg 161) Throughout the whole novel, Gatsby continually used "old sport" mostly when he was talking to Nick, and even a few times when he was talking with Tom. His using "old sport" symbolized his false appearance. Although not know until towards the end of the novel, Gatsby was not born with wealth or even into a high-standing family. He had to change his name and aquire his wealth on his own. He was never refined so therefore had to fake his upbringings, shown in one way through using old sport. When Gatsby and Tom are battling about Daisy in the hotel room, Tom calls Gastby out about his use of "old sport." "That's a great expression of yours, isn't it?" said Tom sharply..."All this 'old sport' business. Where'd you pick that up?" (pg 134) Gatsby never answers because Daisy cuts in. Overall, "old sport" is simple a motif for Gatsby's made-up life that he tries to hard to conceal.

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