Thursday, April 21, 2011

Van Helsing

"Urged thus far, I had no choice but to adapt my nature to an element which I had willing chosen" (pg 164). As portrayed directly from the monster himself, he initially had no intention to turn evil. He knew he was different, but craved for affection. The monster therefore had to hid himself from the rest of the world so he wouldn't scare or alarm people. Since I watch movies like it is my profession, I found an element of the monster that is similar to another movie. In Van Helsing, the Frankenstein monster, although green, greatly resembles the monster in his initial stage in Shelley's novel. The green monster hides himself so that he would not be discovered by the outside world. When his actually is discovered, the reaction to his appearance is almost exactly the same. The girl screams and yells "The Frankenstein monster!" The green monster becomes angry at the remark...and the rest is in the video. The monster is completely good and respects mankind, just like Shelley's monster.

ok well i cant find the clip but his is what the monster looks like in the movie.

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