Tuesday, June 1, 2010

External Conflict

Chapter 6 starts off with Jake having a drink with Harvey Stone. Then Robert comes to join them, and later so does Frances. In this chapter, the author uses direct characterization to describe the true character of Robert. We find out how he dresses, what he looks like, and how he acts like after he has fallen in love with Brett. Since this novel is in the first person point of view, Jake is the one describing Robert.

When Frances tells Jake that she thinks Robert is going to leave her, I was not surprised. Robert was already married and divorced twice so what is going to stop him from leaving the woman who is only his girlfriend?

Frances then goes into a rant that completely rips through Robert and his reasons for why he want to leave her. I found her speech very interesting and entertaining. I thought it was great how she could say whatever she felt like saying to him to make Robert feel really bad. Her use of rhetorical questions added emphasis to her argument and made Robert feel even worse. If he were to answer one of those questions, she would have gone off even more. For example, she said "You won't mind, will you?" (pg 57). If Robert were to answer that question, she would have either kept going as she was, or kept going but as even more angry. Her rant eventually made Jake walk away and leave them.

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