Tuesday, June 1, 2010


To me, this section of the book is a little bit boring. It was getting old reading about their journey to the town where they were going to fish. I thought the novel was much more interesting when the scenes were in Paris and there was interaction with some of the main character. Now that Robert has stayed behind to wait for Brett and Michael, the story has become plain and a bit repetitive.

I think the story will pick up again once Jake and Bill make it to their destination and the other three meet up with them. With the three men who all love Brett in the same place, it is bound to become interesting again. At times, I get the feeling that Brett will break it off with Michael and go to Jake. How could she marry someone who she doesn't even love? Why is she going to marry him anyway?

1 comment:

  1. make sure your entries are connected to specific excerpt, not just a chapter or scene in general.
